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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of Kia Lim Berhad ("the Company") will be held at Dewan Okid, 2nd Floor, Hotel Carnival, 2, Jalan Fatimah, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia on Thursday 13 June 2002 at 12.30 pm for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, passing the following resolutions:- ORDINARY RESOLUTION PROPOSED SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE "THAT approval be and is hereby given to the Company and/or its subsidiaries to enter into recurrent related party transactions of a revenue or trading nature with related parties mentioned under Section 2.1, Part A of this Circular to Shareholders dated 22 May 2002 which are necessary in the ordinary course of business of the Company and its subsidiaries for day-to-day operations and on normal commercial terms which are not more favourable to the related parties than those available to the public and not detrimental to the minority shareholders of the Company and such approval shall continue to be in force until: (a) the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company following the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meting ("EGM") at which such Proposed Shareholders' Mandate was passed, at which time will lapse unless by ordinary resolution passed at an AGM whereby the authority is renewed, either unconditionally or subject to conditions; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of Company after the date it is required to be held pursuant to Section 143(1) of the Companies Act, 1965 ("Act") (but shall not extend to such extension as may be allowed pursuant to Section 143(2) of the Act); or (c) revoked or varied by resolution passed by the shareholders in an AGM or EGM, whichever is earlier; THAT for the avoidance of doubt, all such transactions entered into by the Company or its subsidiaries with a director, substantial shareholder or persons connected to with a director or substantial shareholder of the Company from 1 June 2001 to the date of this resolution as listed in Section 2.1, Part A of this Circular dated 22 May 2002 be and hereby approved and ratified FURTHER THAT the Directors of the Company be authorised to complete and do all such acts and things as they may consider expedient or necessary to give effect to the Proposed Shareholders' Mandate. AND THAT the Directors and/or any of them be and are hereby authorised to complete and do all such things (including executing such documents as may be required) to give effect to the transactions contemplated and/or authorised by this resolution." SPECIAL RESOLUTION PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF KIA LIM BERHAD "THAT the alterations, modifications, additions and deletions to the Memorandum and Articles of Association as set out in Appendix I of the Circular to Shareholders dated 22 May 2002 be and are hereby approved." By Order of the Board LEONG OI WAH (MAICSA 7023802) LEONG SIEW FOONG (MAICSA 7007572) Company Secretaries Johor Bahru 22 May 2002 NOTES : 1. A member of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting shall not be entitled to appoint more than two proxies to attend and vote in his/her stead. Where a member appoints two proxies, the appointments shall be invalid unless he/she specifies the proportions of his/her holdings represented by each proxy. 2. A proxy shall be a member of the Company and if he is not a member of the Company, he shall be an advocate or an approved company auditor or a person approved by the Registrar of Companies. 3. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in writing or if such appointer is a corporation under its common seal or the hand of its attorney. 4. All forms of proxy must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company situated at Suite 633, 6th Floor, PanGlobal Plaza, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. 5. The above special resolution must be passed by at least three-fourths of the members or proxies (entitled to attend and vote) present and voting. |
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