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Details of Announcement


Untitled Document

Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B)

02/07/2012 05:08:31 PM

Particulars of substantial Securities Holder

Name Datuk Ng Eng Sos @ Bah Chik
Address Wisma Ng Hoo Tee, 79, Jalan Muar, 83500 Batu Pahat, Johor
NRIC/Passport No/Company No. 360303-01-5111
Nationality/Country of incorporation Malaysia
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) Ordinary shares
Name & address of registered holder 1. Kia Lim Realty Sdn Bhd
Wisma Ng Hoo Tee, 79, Jalan Muar, 83500 Batu Pahat, Johor

2. Mayban Securities Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd
Level 5, Mayban Life Tower, Dataran Maybank, 59000 Kuala Lumpur

2. Kia Lim Timber Trading Sdn Bhd
Wisma Ng Hoo Tee, 79, Jalan Muar, 83500 Batu Pahat, Johor

3. Syarikat Jaya Diri Kemajuan Sdn Bhd
29-5, (1st Floor), Jalan Rahmat, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transaction Date of change
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Acquired 06/01/2012
Disposed 06/01/2012

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred 1. Acquisition of 1,003,540 shares (representing 1.62%) by Kia Lim Realty Sdn Bhd.
2. Acquisition of 488,600 shares (representing 0.79%) by Mayban Securities Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd.
3. Acquisition of 1,310,334 shares (representing 2.12%) by Kia Lim Timber Trading Sdn Bhd.
4. Acquisition of 50,000 shares (representing 0.08%) by Kia Lim Timber Trading Sdn Bhd in the open market.
5. Acquisition of 30,000 shares (representing 0.05%) by Kia Lim Timber Trading Sdn Bhd in the open market.
6. Acquisition of 50,000 shares (representing 0.08%) by Kia Lim Timber Trading Sdn Bhd in the open market.
7. Acquisition of 55,000 shares (representing 0.09%) by Kia Lim Timber Trading Sdn Bhd in the open market.
8. Acquisition of 86,300 shares (representing 0.14%) by Kia Lim Timber Trading Sdn Bhd in the open market.
9. Acquisition of 407,380 shares (representing 0.66%) by Kia Lim Timber Trading Sdn Bhd in the open market.
10. Acquisition of 460,800 shares (representing 0.74%) by Mayban Securities Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd.
11. Disposal of 630,000 shares (representing 1.02%) by Syarikat Jaya Diri Kemajuan Sdn Bhd.
Nature of interest Indirect
Direct (units)  
Direct (%)  
Indirect/deemed interest (units) 24,500,947 
Indirect/deemed interest (%) 39.56 
Total no of securities after change 24,500,947
Date of notice 02/07/2012


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